So what is this eclipse thingy, the news is trending all over with this super moon strawberry thing. The final super moon of this year is in June 2021, as the last strawberry super moon was in 2017, so again what is strawberry super moon? This name comes from popular name in America for their harvest strawberry season in northeastern North America, as this name has been so popular that every Algonquin tribe has been using this name since then but in other countries like Europe they call it Rose Moon because the roses blume at the end of June so they link it together, there are other cultures that call it "hot moon" as they link it with the beginning of the summer season. Also according to other articles they state that many people call it the "Honey Moon" or "Mead Moon" because the position of the moon at that time is low at the sky and very close to the earth/ So experts are saying it is today, 24th of June as it will be very close to the sky because t...
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