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The Real Story Behind The Conjuring: The Perron Family

The Conjuring movie came into cinemas in 2013 but no one knows what is the real story behind it, so let's see!
According to Andrea Parron from the Parron Family that lived in this haunting and traumatizing while she was young in this house which she was the film consultant said that the real-life events are way worse than what the movie presents, the real-life events is more horror than the movie that Hollywood itself had to tone down the chain of horror in the movie.

The Parron Family moved into a new house in old Arnold place, Harrisville, Rode Island with their five daughters ( Andrea, Nancy, Cindy, Abril, and Christine)  in January 1971. The Family thought it is the best place to live because of how big the house is, it has 200-acre property and 14 bedrooms, when the home seller gave them the key as they advised them only one advice which is to keep the lights on, the move-in day was a snowy day as they had to fight against it when it was just the first day that started to have experiences like the girl Andrea who was 12 at the time that her father gave her a box to place in the kitchen while she was walking she saw a well-dressed man but odd as well, she greeted him and walked away, and when she asked her mother she said no one was here.

The family's animals (cats and dogs) didn't trust the home and after a while the dog was dead and the cat left home completely, the family at first experienced simples things like scrapping sounds and brooms getting missing, after a while the simple became horrifying.

Andrea stated that Birds came flying into their houses and the clocks always stopping at 3:07 am, blue lights were seen traveling into their home, Cindy one of the daughters witnessed the fridge opening and closing by itself and items were getting thrown out of it as she heard spirits telling her that there are seven soldiers buried in the wall, the dishwasher would turn on and off on itself and toilet flush themselves on their own.

The family would often hear objects crash thru windows and never find the shattered glass, home most of the time smelt like rotten flesh all around the house, it would move beds up and down around 5:15 am, the spirits were calling nancy to the Cellar well.

They started to move in packs because they were so afraid of what could happen if they are alone and also they even used the bathroom multiple times together because of this random man around the house as they felt that they are not alone and being watched all the time.

The father (Roger) denied what has been happening in their home but the wife was too affected about what has been happening because she was getting pinched, slaps, and random pain that later on had known that she has been pierced by a sewing needle as they believed one of the spirits in the house is haunting her especially as later one it was discovered that her name was "Bathsheba"

The mother (Carolyn) looked into the history of the house and found out that there were a couple of multiple deaths on the premises, the property goes back into 1680 when it was deeded to the Richerson family after being surveyed by John Smith (one of the origins of Virginia colonist), the land was sold and got to the Arnold family which later one was named it after it, Mrs john Arnold at that time hung herself in the barn at the age of 93, the more years passed the more women killed themselves by this way as well as there is a legend that happened of a woman called Bathsheba as she was accused by killing an infant that she was supposed to take care of, she killed him by sticking a sewing needle into his skull as people hated her because it rumors that she is a satanist, as Bathsheba was always the mistress of the house and she felt that Carolyn (the mother) was her competition for that position.

The family saw the mother started to change as she started to wear clothes from another era, started speaking araehtic language although she didn't learn it at first the family was normal about it because Carolyn was a natural historian and simply was embracing her hobby, he the concerns grew Ed and Lorriane warrens appeared on their doorstep.

They started the investigation before the night of Halloween in 1973, but later one they found out that no one contacted the warrens from the family, but someone called and faked that they are Carolyn, After a year and a half of investigation the warrens said that they need to do a seance which later on Andrea said they couldn't portray it on film because of how horrifying it is, it happened in the dining room and Andrea stated " and I knew from this moment that evil exists"  

Andrea says that they got a priest and a medium with the warrens into the house with a full crew to video film that event and they opened a door that later one they couldn't close, the medium invited all the spirits to come and with them, something attacked the mother and Andrea quoted " what I know whatever attacked her is not from this world". It spoke through her a language that didn't exist in this world, as it levitated her in the chair that she was sitting on then she curled her whole body in a ball as in seconds it threw her into the adjacent about 20 feet away as the father ran around to catch on to her but Ed tried to stop him but he punched Ed and told the people to get the hell out.

The father didn't want to continue because of the trama the seance has put his wife thru and was witnessed by 4 of his children as Andrea stated that " the spirits were quiet for several months after the seance" and stated as well "that their mother kept wasting away" They wanted to leave but they financially unstable at that time, but in 1980 they were able to leave because the mother said that she will not survive another winter, the moved to a newly built farm in Georgia but actually, they never escaped from that house, as when they started living there it resulted in a divorce between them, began a distrust then he began to have his own incidents and episodes of his own.

Andrea stated at the end
We thought that when we left the farm that we are leaving the spirits behind and nothing could have ben further than the truth, profound attatchment were formed and presisted lifelong because when you are get touched by a spirit, its a door that opens that can never be close again, you can turn your back on it and you can prtened that it doesn't exists but evenually something is going to reach out and tap you on the sholder and make its presence known


The warrens stated that 
this house is the most compelling, the most intense, the most disturbing, and the most significant investigation they ever conducted.

Here are some photos:

Caught on camera being flung from her bed.

The cast and their real characters

Ed and Lorraine Warren

Thank you for reading my blog, please follow and comment with your thoughts!
- Farah Kareem



  1. Copy pasted someone else’s article and the picture of the girl JUMPING from the bed is from the Enfield case, not of the Perrons.


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