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Myths that got debunked pt2

 What's Happening

There are a lot of myths going around, so I checked it and saw that I should share the most common myths all around the world!

1. Peanuts are a type of nut.

Well, nope because they are a type of legume and I think people believe this myth because of its name.

2. Fortune cookies originated in China.

The National Museum of History in the USA stated that this was a myth, as the creator of the fortune cookie was a Japanese guy called Suyeichi Okamura who was an immigrant and was sent to the camps during WW2, Chinese Americans took over these treats and now served in Chinese restaurants.

3. All deserts are hot.

You need to know that deserts are not defined by the temperature, only the lack of perception, and yes most of the deserts of the world are hot, but there are extremely cold deserts like Polar Deserts.

4. The Declaration of Independence was signed on July 4th.

The 4th of July is a known holiday all around the world as most people know that the declaration was signed on the 4th of July, but no it is actually signed on August 2nd but got approved on the 4th of July.

5. Lightning never strikes twice.

All of us at some point heard in movies that Lighting never strikes twice in the same place, well it's a myth but NASA debunked this myth stating reporting that "lightning definitely strikes more than one place." In fact, it does so about a third of the time!

6. Bats Are Blind

Bats can see three times better than a human can see, as was stated by Rob Mies, former executive director for the Organization for Bat Conservation, told National Geographic.

7.Drinking alcohol raises your body temperature.

Actually, what's funny is that it lowers the core body temperature as was stated before, but people might find that they get warmer although that's tricks of alcohol effects on your mind!

Thank you for reading my blog, please leave a follow and a comment
- Farah Kareem



  1. This was interesting! I didn't know that about the Declaration of Independence.



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